076 494 7192 info@thembana.com

About Us

Siyathembana Trading

is 100% black female owned and managed. The company was created out of the desire to partner with various municipalities, state owned entities and government departments and assist them to deliver on their mandates and to ensure accelerated service delivery and job creation. We are experienced in the following areas:

  • Financial management services inclusive of Supply Chain
  • Training services
  • Building maintenance renovations
  • Construction finishes


The model employed by the company on financial management is offering both advisory and consulting services as directed by the client’s requirements. On training the services offering range from soft skills to customised training. The construction services offerings range from providing construction products, installations of finishes and management of projects

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be a leading service and product provider of business and construction

Our Mission

Our Mission is based on our commitment to:

  • Use our unique skills to offer value-adding solutions to our clients.
  • Provide reliable services that add the highest value to clients’ businesses.
  • Implement quality management systems in the delivery of services.
  • Community development and empowerment.