076 494 7192 info@thembana.com


Financial Management Services Inclusive of Supply Chain

We help Improve Financial Controls for Clean Audits

Challenges faced by many enterprises:


No clean audit reports due in part to lack of robust financial processes and controls.


Available billing systems are not properly and timely updated which results in incorrect billing information.


Non-payment for services is not penalized; follow ups are difficult since the customer data is inaccurate.


Water and electricity losses cannot be measured reliably therefore it becomes difficult to manage.

We offer the following services to address these:



Assistance in optimising current Revenue management and cash management processes.


Assistance in selecting appropriate Revenue and financial management tools or systems.


Compilation of Financial Statements in terms of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) requirements.


Improvement of existing financial policies and procedures.


Assistance in compilation of Business Plans to access the Municipality Infrastructure Grant (MIG).


Creation, enhancement and maintenance of Assets Register in terms of GRAP 17.


Providing advisory services in managing Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables.


Designing Financial Models or enhancing existing Financial Modelling and Budgeting.


Developing of improved Supply Chain policies and processes.


Implementing automated billing systems in line with municipality requirements.

The benefits accrued by organisations will include:



Improved financial controls and corporate governance.


Better ability to determine which households qualify as truly indigent.


Estimates will be eliminated.


Ability to do debtors age analysis and focus on better collection methods.


Proper customer segmentation for best automated solutions delivery.


Electricity and water losses will be measured and managed effectively.

Training Services

Our approach in training is in two-fold.

We offer the following types of training:


Onsite customised training -This option provides a more economic and convenient training solution for companies a minimum of 10 or more Course Participants. Our training courses can be supplied off-the-shelf or they can be customised according to the client’s needs.


Skills training -. This option is pro skills development. The training is based on the Companies or organisations training and development plan. These types of training are derived from skills audit, identified gaps and recommended interventions in the form of training. COVID 19 pandemic has led to our training methods evolving. we also offer online training.


COVID 19 pandemic has led to adaptable training methods. We also offer online training.

We are skilled to perform the whole value chain and ultimately improve the organisation’s bottom line.  The benefits of a skilled workforce are increased productivity.

Building Maintenance Renovations

We Carry Out Building Maintenance and Renovations

We provide an array of products and services in the construction space that include but
are not limited to:


Building maintenance


Renovations and partitioning


Installation of ceiling boards


Plumbing services

The company has teams that can be deployed based on the size of the assignment. The teams comprise of team leaders that are certified at the required level of certification.

Our Approach to Maintenance

Given the unique nature of every maintenance project, we use a structured approach that is based on understanding the strategy, planning and operational intent of entities that we deal with. Depending on the entities’ size and statutory compliance requirements, we use best practice frameworks. Our structured approach helps to minimise haphazardness by applying these key maintenance policy components:


  1. The length of time for maintaining for their present use.
  2. The life requirements of the buildings and their fittings and services.
  3. The standard to which the building and its services are to be maintained.
  4. The reaction time required between a defect occurring and a repair being carried out.
  5. The legal and statutory requirements that need to be considered.

Construction Finishes

We have partnered with local and international manufacturers to source construction finishing
products for. We ascribe to the philosophy of sourcing everything locally first before we look
for alternatives outside the country.

We specialise in the retail of natural and processed stone products for floor & wall tiling, cladding, paving, roofing and decor. We scour local and international quarries for high quality, trend-setting products. The South African natural stone products that we sell are always first grade and export quality. We do some installations where necessary.


  • Marble
  • Travertine
  • Sandstone
  • Slate
  • Quartzite
  • Granite
  • Limestone

  • Glass and stone mosaics
  • Porcelain tiles
  • Ceramic tiles
  • Pebbles
  • Terracotta
  • Roof tiles
  • Paving

  • Shower accessories
  • Bathtubs
  • Basins
  • Taps
  • Mixers
  • Toilets

  • Adhesives
  • Grouts
  • Sealers
  • Cleaners
  • Polishers
  • Trimmings